Downtown Development Authority (DDA)/Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA)

Check the Board & Meeting Schedule page to keep up on the latest meeting information concerning downtown Kingsley economic development concerns.

The Kingsley Downtown Development Authority (DDA) Board meets in even numbered months of the year on the first Monday. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA) convenes on the same dates when needed. All meetings begin at 6 pm in the Village Community Room located at 207 S. Brownson Ave, Kingsley, MI. The public is invited and encouraged to attend to learn more about projects and plans for the Kingsley downtown district.

DDA Board members serve on a volunteer basis and are officially nominated to the position by the Kingsley Village council. The Board consists of ten members, comprised of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Village Council Representative and members at large. The Board must maintain a majority of members that own or have a vested interest in the downtown.

To bring a topic up at a meeting or have it added to the agenda, please contact the Chair a week before the scheduled date. The DDA welcomes public comments and questions at meetings, and makes approved minutes from past meetings available upon request.


(The BRA meets once a year with additional meetings as needed)

February 5, 2024

April 1, 2024

June 3, 2024

*July 15, 2024 Special Meeting

August 5, 2024

*September 12, 2024 Special Meeting – Interview

*September 16, 2024 Special Meeting

October 7, 2024

*November 4, 2024 Special Meeting

December 2, 2024

All meetings begin at 6 pm in the Village Community Room until otherwise posted. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

Board Members

Max Anderson – Chair

Michael Ascione – Vice Chair

Jess Ashmore – Secretary

Marc McKellar – Treasurer

Mary Lajko – Village Council Representative

Stacy Allman

Gabe Bogart

Dr. Erik Burke

Jackie Steele